At Schor Vogelzang & Chung we believe a great workplace is one in which the company and the employees understand and share expectations, work together to meet those expectations, and each are rewarded when those expectations are met. We partner with our clients to help them create their great workplaces. Let us know how we can help you:
Partnering to create your great workplace!
2170 Fourth Avenue, San Diego, CA 92101
P: 619.906.2400 F: 619.906.2401 email: inquiry@svclegal.com
Renee Schor, Partner
Direct: (619) 906-2400 (x 2)
Main: (619) 906-2400
Fax: (619) 906-2401
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Julie Vogelzang, Partner
Direct: (619) 354-6518
Main: (619) 906-2400
Fax: (619) 906-2401
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Lisa Hird Chung, Partner
Main: (619) 906-2400
Fax: (619) 906-2401
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Janelle R. Thornton, Associate
Main: (619) 906-2400
Fax: (619) 906-2401
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Mattheus E. Stephens, Of Counsel
Progressive Law Group
600 B Street, Suite 2200
San Diego CA 92101
Main: (619) 234-5488
Fax: (619) 234-8814
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Patti Rahim, Office Administrator and Certified Paralegal
Direct: (619) 906-2400 (x 101)
Main: (619) 906-2400
Fax: (619) 906-2401
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Leslie Rivera Mason, Paralegal
Main: (619) 906-2400
Fax: (619) 906-2401
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Contact us at dailypartner@svclegal.com or call 619.906.2400.
Contact us at contact us at investigatingclaims@svclegal.com or call 619.906.2400.
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