Do you have all the right pieces in all the right places?



Great Workplace Quiz

Instructions: Answer yes or no to the following questions. Then, score yourself, using the key at the bottom of the page.


  • Have you updated your handbook in the last 3 years to incorporate changes in the law?
  • When an employee has completed a medical leave of absence under the FMLA or your leave policies and asks for additional time off, do you assess whether the employee is eligible for additional leave as a reasonable accommodation of a disability?

  • Are employees from other states compensated according to California wage laws when they work in California?
  • Do employees consent to potential investigations, including sexual harassment investigations, at the beginning of their employment?
  • Does your Family and Medical Leave policy describe leave available for caring for family members in the military?
  • Do your proprietary information agreements with employees prohibit that employees bring any confidential or trade secret information from prior employers?
  • Does your handbook clearly define employees eligible for leaves of absence under the policy?
  • Are you including non-discretionary bonus incentives in your non exempt employees’ rate of pay for purposes of calculating overtime?
  • Do your policies alert employees that even personal calls, e mails and text messages are subject to review, and are your statements about this policy consistent?
  • Do you provide employees with legally required information about sexual harassment at least once during their employment?
  • Does your company have job descriptions for each position that include any physical requirements for the position?
  • Do your policies prohibit cell phone use and texting while driving?
  • Does your employee handbook effectively communicate a non exempt employee’s right and obligation to take at least thirty minutes for lunch each day during the first five hours of working?
  • Do all of your exempt employees have authority to make unsupervised decisions on matters of significance to the company?
  • Do you train your managers on how to identify, avoid and eliminate harassing conduct?
  • Is your bonus or commission plan clear and specific, so that employees and the company each understand the conditions under which bonus compensation will be paid?
  • Do your employees carry over unused vacation and floating holidays to the next year?
  • Are you confident that your managers are avoiding inappropriate questions when they interview prospective employees?
  • Do you conduct written performance reviews every year?
  • Are you confident that employee personnel files are in a condition to be presented to an employee or a government agency for review?


Scoring Key

Give yourself one point for every yes answer, then check your workplace score:


1-5 Yes Answers

You have an opportunity to create a great workplace. Carefully considered personnel policies and practices can afford a great opportunity for your peace of mind and your company’s protection. Depending upon your company’s goals and vision, it appears worthwhile for you to meet with Schor Vogelzang & Chung to understand what you might do to create a workplace with clear and shared expectations and protection from liabilities.


6-10 Yes Answers

You have a good start, but are missing some valuable pieces. You have begun the process of creating policies and practices that educate your employees, set expectations, and protect your company from liability. But you can do more. Depending upon your company’s goals and vision, it may be worthwhile for you to meet with Schor Vogelzang & Chung to understand where your company is exposed, and what you can do to create greater peace of mind and more time for your vision.


11-15 Yes Answers

The pieces are coming together. We can tell by your answers that you understand the need for legal compliance and clear policies and practices. With a few more pieces in place, you will have the peace of mind that comes from knowing you have created clear and meaningful expectations and are in compliance with the law. Schor Vogelzang & Chung can help you identify the missing pieces, and work with you to create that great workplace.


16-20 Yes Answers

You are solving the great workplace puzzle. Congratulations, you are doing a great job of putting together the pieces of a great workplace. Your answers demonstrate that you understand the value of clear expectations and legal compliance. You may not need us at all, but if you want further assessment of your great workplace, or are looking for a partner with whom to continue your growth, consider Schor Vogelzang & Chung.

Download a copy of the Great Workplace Quiz here --->


To discuss your results and the best next steps for you give us a call at 619.906.2400 or click here to email us. If you're ready to learn more about creating a Great Workplace Strategy click here.


Schor Vogelzang & Chung LLP

Partnering to create your great workplace!

2170 Fourth Avenue, San Diego, CA 92101
P: 619.906.2400 F: 619.906.2401


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